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Explore War & Peace

The front cover of New Internationalist’s redesigned September magazine

The making of #NI515: why we went for Tim Hetherington’s portrait from Liberia as the relaunch cover for the redesigned...

As the UK hopes to open new military bases in the Caribbean, Phil Miller investigates the killing of a man by the British...

Riot police using flashballs and rubber bullets in France have caused severe harm. Now, a movement is growing to disarm them...

When the body bags reach the relatives, the biggest question remains, ‘Why?’ Mari Marcel Thekaekara writes...

Aboriginal people are using a new app to record and report police brutality. Will it help break Australia’s culture of...

Amanda Sperber assesses the long-term consequences of Somalia's worst suicide attack.

Women fought hard for recognition in their country’s peace agreement. Now they must defend it from a deadly backlash....

The powerful shackdweller’s social movement is mobilizing against assassinations in South Africa. Richard ...

The road to peace in Colombia: the funeral in April 2017 of indigenous leader Gerson Acosta, among the hundreds killed since the peace deal of 2016.

Colombia’s peace deal promised the return of stolen lands. But it isn’t so easy to achieve, Mira Galanova...

Hazel Healy examines the ways in which humankind can ditch the military habit - and tackle conflict at its...

From occupied Palestine to Scottish high schools, people across the world are challenging the warmongers. We profiled eight...

Got what it takes to be a peace-building mediator? Take our quiz and find out.

Old covers of New Internationalist

After becoming the UK’s largest media co-operative we decided to make our flagship magazine bigger and better.

Herero who survived the genocide after escaping through the Omaheke desert. Photo from the Galerie Bassenge via Wikimedia Commons.

Communities that were decimated by Germany’s forgotten genocide are now demanding justice. Gouri Sharma...

Carmen Herrera traces the history of the FSLN, from socialist liberators to the increasingly brutal rule of...

Dinamo Sukhumi’s stadium under construction.

In tiny Abkhazia, outcast from the world stage, football is a source of hope. Robert O’Connor reports.


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